K-5 Web Links
K-5 Web Links
Free Clip Art
This web page will have shutterstock across the front, but don't worry about the name across the front of the image for Susquepedalian homework.
Discovery Education Clipart
Pics for Learning
WP Clipart
Discovery Education Clipart
Pics for Learning
WP Clipart
Fun Activity Pages
A few sites for students of all ages to enjoy!
Christmas Around the World
History Channel Christmas
North Pole
Official Kwanzaa Site
Thanksgiving in the US, Canada & Harvest Festival in the UK
Thanksgiving World
The First Thanksgiving
You Be the Historian!
This site is an interactive site for Grades 3-6 students learning about the First Thanksgiving. It really helps students understand investigation, research and the use of primary source documents. Check it out!
New Year's Celebrations
Multi-Cultural New Year's Calendar
Dates for Ramadan/Eid-Ul-Fitr
The festival that signals the end of Ramadan
Various Holidays Around the World
Day of the Dead
Topics Magazine International Holidays and Festivals
Christmas Around the World
History Channel Christmas
North Pole
Official Kwanzaa Site
Thanksgiving in the US, Canada & Harvest Festival in the UK
Thanksgiving World
The First Thanksgiving
You Be the Historian!
This site is an interactive site for Grades 3-6 students learning about the First Thanksgiving. It really helps students understand investigation, research and the use of primary source documents. Check it out!
New Year's Celebrations
Multi-Cultural New Year's Calendar
Dates for Ramadan/Eid-Ul-Fitr
The festival that signals the end of Ramadan
Various Holidays Around the World
Day of the Dead
Topics Magazine International Holidays and Festivals
Internet Safety
This is a great advertising site to discuss all the things kids come across while either on the Internet or watching television.
Iroquois Indians
A variety of websites to explore the Iroquois tribe - their homes, villages, dress and their celebrations.
Library Skills
This category contains websites using decimals, alphabetical order and many other everyday skills students need to become lifelong learners!
These sites work for students, teachers and parents. You can print flash cards, create puzzles, etc. and have a great deal of fun learning math!
Place Value
Telling Time
Various Math Websites
This website is wonderful to use with students using a SMART Board or LCD Projector and counting by 2s, 5s and 10s as a group.
These sites have a variety of current events.
There are many ways in which to get a child to have fun reading. Some of these sites help students sound out letters, learn to understand vowel sounds and read at their own pace by playing games. Students, parents and teachers can enjoy using these sites!
Fairy Tales
Various Reading Sites
Read stories from all around the world for various age levels. Want non-fiction information, fictional stories, stories from various genres, here is the place to look!
This site has lesson plans, printables, movies, etc. that include Fairy Tales, Holiday Stories, Folk Tales, Songs, etc. Check this site out! You will love it!
A free website to teach children to read with phonics. Exciting phonics games and online interactive books for preschool, kindergarten and first grade.
Reference Resources
This category is for many different types of Reference Resources used throughout the building. If it requires a password, ask your child to get a copy of the passwords from us at the Library Media Center.
Government information about the United States and other countries around the world.
This particular site requires a membership to see certain parts of it.
The online version of the Encarta Encyclopedia
This site has all kinds of evaluated websites for kids of all ages!
This site helps you learn how to study, write a report and it contains many other interesting tips and tricks!
This website connects you all over the place to fun things to do and learn about! Check it out and enjoy!
Browse through the library and become a patron of the library no matter where you live! Being a patron allows you multiple access to free items, such as downloading podcasts, audio books, etc.
Scholastic has done a wonderful job of adding online activities to their site as well as author information and book reviews. There are many different things that are available on the Scholastic website for students to do, as well as teachers to use. Enjoy browsing!
Federal Government Website that links to the official government information pages of all 50 states
Marco Polo has many aspects to it. It contains lesson plans, activities and web pages for every content area available either by searching, looking for sites by the New York State Standards or browsing the different content areas listed on the right hand side. Either way, hours of searching and browsing are brought to your fingertips to help teachers and parents enrich the education of our students.
This is the site that will connect you with the New York State Standards by content area and/or grade level.
Many of these sites are broken down by the area of science being studied.
Ocean Life for Kids
This ocean animals website is an interactive site for students to learn more about animals that can be found in the ocean. There is an interactive quiz that goes along with each animal.
Endangered Species
Sea Turtles
Penguins and Polar Bears
Scroll down and click Animal Facts on the left. Scroll down again. On the right under More Animals, click penguins and polar bears
Additional Animal Websites
Create your own animal and write a description of it!
Animal Gallery page that describes all of the animals that are currently housed at the zoo. It includes photos and detailed information on each animal.
These sites include many different ways to examine cells.
With a use of a SMART Board or just a computer, this site allows students to learn all about the Periodic Table and then play the interactive quiz. Test your skills and knowledge!
This website contains various activities helping students become more aware of going green!
This website has all of the explorations of how the Earth's crust is made up of Plate Techtonics. It is completely interactive. It is great for SMART Board use with students!
A flash website with information, games and quizzes about circuits.
This site is a wonderful interactive way to teach students how to conduct electricity. Check it out!
This site has some hands-on activities to help students learn more about the area of Nanotechnology and Nanoscience. Check it out to learn more about the area of Nanotechnology!
This is a wonderful interactive site that allows students to see what happens if a plant does not get water, light and when a plant gets the light and water it needs to grow. It also allows you to label the parts of a plant and take a quiz about what you learned. Check it out!
Rocks and Minerals
Teachers and students alike will love to use this website to learn all about the Rock Cycle and how rocks are formed. Take the interactive quiz throughout the site and see how smart you are!
Simple and Complex Machines
Solar System
Water Cycle
This website discusses how clouds affect our lives, the various types of clouds and has activities you can complete.
Additional Science Websites
This site has a great deal of links in the area of science.
This site is a searchable place with great activities and information about many areas of science.
Sign Language
This resource helps all learn how to sign to those individuals who are hearing impaired. Anyone who wishes to communicate with these individuals should check out the following websites. We are sure you will be signing in no time!
Social Studies
The following sites are broken down by area of study within the Social Studies content area.
American Revolution
This website is brought to you from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., the largest library in the world and the nation's library.
Drums along the Mohawk is Greg Ketcham's research on the Revolutionary War in the Mohawk Valley offering information on the Valley Dwellers, Stockades and Settlements and the Chronicles of Events to the Revolutionary War.
Become an expert about the history of the American Revolutionary War by reading interesting and important facts about the American Revolutionary War.
Gives brief information on the Who - What - Where of the American Revolutionary War.
Margaret Corbin
National Park Service Historical Exhibits
National Park Service Historical Exhibits
The people involved in the American Revolution from this site are in the contents on the left column. There are three different links to look through.
Comprehensive Revolutionary War timeline from the French and Indian War to the Constitution.
Hotlists for kids to explore the American Revolution. There are general sites, specific people sites and games and activities.
Civil War
Civil War Biographies
Civil War for Kids
Civil War for Kids
If you question the accuracy of information on this site, versus that of an encyclopedia, use the information from the encyclopedia before using this site. The validity of the information on this site was not confirmed!
Colonial Occupations
Lists occupations and some descriptions were written by students.
Trade description and pictures from Williamsburg.
These clips can be viewed on Media Player or Real Player from a PC.
Just click on the explorer in the Legend and you can see the route the explorer took!
Famous People
360 Degree View of Ellis Island
360 Degree View of Ellis Island
Maps and Globes
Every area of the world is highlighted on this website to help students better learn where the various countries are and their capitals. Check it out...There are also printables located on the main map page!
New York State
Primary Source Document
United States
Industrial Revolution
September 11
You can read, but you need Real Player to view videos!
The History Place Child Labor
U.S. Government
This site has all grade levels and breaks the systems of government down into simple ways for students to understand.
Kids in the House
Kids in the House
Click on the More button for each window to see more information! This is a great site for students to learn all about our government and the roles of various people within the government.
Test your knowledge on the three different branches of government. How much do you really know? How fast can you answer the questions! Try it and see!
Westward Movement
World War II
Miscellaneous Social Studies Websites
Teacher Websites
Communication with Parents
Educational Interactive Websites
Free Printables
These have all kinds of things and activities to do for special occasions or to add to your papers (clip art, etc.)
Websites included in this page go along with the common core!
QR Code Generator
Smartboard Activities
Teaching Resources
All you have to do is provide your e-mail to this site and it will allow you to print many types of materials for use in your classroom. Enjoy!
Resources available to teachers by teachers. Some are free and some are not. Enjoy!
Web 2.0 Tools
Model Schools has put together a newsletter describing some of the Web 2.0 Tools that could be used and how to use them. Included are the links to the newsletter.
Miscellaneous Teacher Websites
This site has all sorts of titles and activities to go along with titles to help teachers plan lessons around themes!
Create a login and you can create puzzles to be embedded into your web page.
Storybook creation
Create your own comic strips!
Use this site to connect a voice with an icon recording reactions to stories, storytelling, connect with a Wiki to retell a story using pictures created by students, etc.
Xtranormal is a video story creating program where you can create a movie just by typing and choosing the characters and the backgrounds!