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In-District Programs

Consultant Teacher

Consultant teacher services are available for individual or group specifically designed instruction provided by a special education teacher to a student with a disability who has been classified by the Committee on Special Education within the general education classroom. These services are provided directly or indirectly to the student by providing consultation to the general education classroom teachers. The consultant teacher assists the general education teacher by modifying the classroom or the instruction for the student with special needs, if necessary.

Resource Room

A resource room program is a program of supplemental instruction for students with disabilities. The instruction is to be supplemental to that which is occurring in the student's primary instructional setting. This instruction is provided by a special education teacher in groups of five or less students.

Special Class (15:1 enhanced by 1, 12:1:1, OR 12:1:3:1)

A student classified with a disability through the Committee on Special Education may receive specially designed instruction in a special classroom setting from a special education teacher. Specially designed instruction is utilized to address the specific needs of a student as outlined in the student’s individualized education program.

Out-Of-District Programs

For some students, the least restrictive environment is located outside of the district in a BOCES program or an alternative placement. These students may require an intensive level of support.