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Related Services


Speech services include the identification of children with speech or language impairments, and the provision of speech and language services for the habilitation or prevention of communicative impairments.


This service is designed to support students' academic, social, emotional and behavioral needs in the school setting. It may be provided by the guidance counselor, social worker or the school psychologist.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy includes the services provided by an occupational therapist to support the student in improving, developing, or restoring functions impaired or lost through illness, injury, or deprivation with the goal to improve the student's ability to perform tasks for independent functioning.

Physical Therapy

These services are provided by qualified personnel to assist students with mobility through assessment, treatment plan development and implementation and classroom support.

Adaptive Physical Education

This service is designed to support students with disabilities that impact their ability to participate in general education physical education. The program is designed to meet the individual needs of each student while meeting New York State requirements for physical education. It is provided by a certified physical education teacher.

Teacher of the Hearing Impaired

This service is provided to students who have been identified as deaf or hearing-impaired and is designed to support them in the school setting.

Teacher of the Visually Impaired

This service is provided to students who are blind or visually-impaired and is designed to support them in the school setting.

Orientation and Mobility Training

These are services provided to blind or visually impaired children by qualified personnel to enable these students to attain systematic orientation to and safe movement within their environments.