Policy Board Contacts
Whitesboro Board of Education Representative | Cheryl Partyka LaValley | |
Whitesboro Parent Representative | Michele Martin | |
Whitesboro Assistant Superintendent | David Russo | drusso@wboro.org |
SUNYIT - Higher Education Representative | Ron Sarner | ron@sunypoly.edu |
Business and Industry Representative | Shawna Papale | spapale@mvedge.org |
Marcy Elem - Teacher/ Policy Board Chair | Kelly Smith | ksmith@wboro.org |
Marcy Elementary - Teacher | Dawn Zielenski | dzielenski@wboro.org |
High School - Teacher | Rebecca Burkdorf | rburkdorf@wboro.org |
High School - Teacher - WTA President | Stephen Costanza | scostanza@wboro.org |
High School - Teacher | Andrew Massoud | amassoud@wboro.org |
Middle School - Teacher | Sue Ellen Williams | sewilliams@wboro.org |
Middle School - Teacher | Samantha Dell'Anno | sdellanno@wboro.org |
Parkway School - Teacher | Lisa Shaffer | lshaffer@wboro.org |
Parkway School | Holly Kulawy | hmangels-kulawy@wboro.org |
Westmoreland Road Elementary - Teacher | Christine Egert | cegert@wboro.org |
Westmoreland Road Elementary - Teacher | Lori Meyer | lmeyer@wboro.org |
Teacher | Teale LaBarbera | tlabarbera@wboro.org |
Hart's Hill Elementary - Teacher | Francesca Ryan | fryan@wboro.org |
Hart's Hill Elementary - Teacher | Lisa O'Connell | loconnell@wboro.org |
Middle School
Cynthia Beattie | cbeattie@wboro.org |
Deerfield Elementary - Teacher | Kelly Chevrier | kchevrier@wboro.org |
Deerfield Elementary - Teacher | Fallon Russo | frusso@wboro.org |