3/6/2023 - SEL Week Celebrated at Hart’s Hill
March was National Social Work Month and some of the core values of social work are support, advocacy, hope and encouragement, which we strive to provide to our students every day. It is essential to teach our students lessons focused on social-emotional learning (SEL), to build healthy relationships, strong minds and kind hearts.
Hart’s Hill celebrated SEL week from March 6 through March 10, with a variety of activities that were spearheaded by our school social worker and MSW Intern. The SEL activities correlated nicely with the timing of National Social Work Month.
Activities kicked off with reflection messages delivered to the classrooms by the students for morning check-in ideas.
Next, positive motivational messages were designed with the help of students and displayed throughout the building. These posters encouraged a positive mindset and a sense of empowerment for the school community. Additionally, bookmarks were made available with the phrase, “Keep Going,” for students to give to one another for encouragement.
Finally, “Mix It Up Lunch” marked the last day of SEL week, with students encouraged to sit with someone new from their own class or another class in order to help build new relationships. All of these activities helped bring awareness to the importance of mental well-being for our students.
On a regular basis, many SEL activities and lessons occur throughout the day in classrooms by our teachers and staff. Efforts are also coordinated outside of the classroom, in cooperation with other support staff, such as our psychologist and Connected Community Schools (CCS).
For example, our “Trusted Adult Tree” is in the cafeteria and it serves as an old favorite. The students love to see their teachers’ pictures on display! The pictures on the tree are a helpful tool for students, reminding them of all the trusted adults available to assist them at school. Another visual displayed in the cafeteria was, “A Sprinkle of Random Acts of Kindness,” which was designed by CCS and highlighted examples of caring gestures for students to reflect.
Hart’s Hill continues to embrace social-emotional learning throughout the building every day!