Boys Baseball Program Collects Goods to Feed Our Vets
During the months of October and November, the Boy's Baseball Program collected non-perishable goods.
On Saturday, November 19th, members of the Whitesboro Baseball Program, with the assistance of Affordable Luxury Awnings, LLC, delivered numerous boxes of goods, along with 24 turkeys and a generous cash donation to the Feed Our Vets organization in New York Mills. Our student-athletes were able to see first-hand the impact of the Feed Our Vets organization on the community and the multitude of veterans served by this organization.
According to the Feed Our Vets organization, since 2009, Feed Our Vets has provided free food assistance to more than 40,000 veterans and their families, distributing 3.02 million pounds of food and more than $214,000 in gift cards.
The entire Baseball Program appreciates the community's support in helping us reach our goal. The Whitesboro Baseball Program looks to continue its community involvement in the future, giving back to a community that has provided them so much support. Go Warriors!
Tom Maggiolino, Varsity Baseball Head Coach
Anthony Coriale. Varsity Baseball Assistant Coach