3/28/2024 - Hart’s Hill Raises Funds for the American Heart Association
Hart’s Hill Elementary School recently partnered with the American Heart Association to raise awareness and funds to support heart health. A kick-off event was held on March 14, where students were taught heart healthy habits that were reinforced during PE class.
On March 28, our school celebrated our fundraising and educational efforts in a finale event, where members of the Hart’s Hill staff were “pied.” In lieu of traditional fundraising, we set a goal of $1,000 as a school community. For every $200 raised, a staff member was “pied” by a student, chosen via lottery during the finale.
In addition, all students at each grade level earned a “heart healthy hero.” As a school community, we raised a total of $1,886.63, and a total of nine faculty members were “pied.” Thank you for your support!