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Whitesboro High School Celebrates National Foreign Language Week

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During the week of March 3-9, in collaboration with ELL teacher Mrs. Jones, Whitesboro High School students in Mrs. Cidzik and Mrs. Kostolecki’s classes celebrated National Foreign Language Week. Students participated in a variety of fun and engaging World Language activities, and students who speak a language other than English were invited into French and Spanish classes to share their languages and cultures with their peers.

Mrs. Cidzik also chose a new language to teach each day. Students were exposed to common expressions in Italian, Arabic, Dutch and Japanese.

Another activity that students participated in was World Language Trivia, which challenged students with a daily question about language use in general. For some classes, winners were drawn and bonus points were earned.

Students in Mrs. Kostolecki’s classes competed in a poster contest that centered around this year’s theme: Learning Languages Promotes Friendship. Students created both hand-drawn and digital posters. The posters were then judged by Mrs. Dean, the World Language department chair, and Mrs. Cidzik. Prizes were awarded to the top three winners from Mrs. Kostolecki’s classes. Congratulations to all of the participants!

National Foreign Language Week culminated with a 40-year Whitesboro tradition – Foreign Student Day sponsored by the International Club, which was held on March 8.