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2020 Capital Project

On May 21, 2019, voters in the Whitesboro Central School District approved a proposition for a Capital Project of approximately $20M, that will have zero impact on the tax levy.

Recent years have been filled with extensive Capital Project work necessary to provide the educational program our students need for their future success. With that continued purpose in mind, the District has developed a proposed scope of work which has been reviewed and recommended by our District Facilities Committee, which would provide key improvements to each of the District's buildings and facilities.

The amount of the proposed Capital Project is $20,304,450, and it will have zero financial impact to the local taxpayer. The District is able to accomplish this by utilizing $1M of our existing Capital Reserve Fund – funds that are reserved exclusively for capital improvement expenditures – to offset any local share of the project. The remaining balance of the project will be paid using building aid provided by New York State. Our current building aid ratio is approximately .84, meaning that state aid will fund 84% of the cost of this project.

The scope of the proposed Capital Project is District-wide, and will address items such as:

  • Health and safety/security enhancements, such as cameras, doors and building access control measures, emergency notification system
  • Roofing
  • Electrical, mechanical and plumbing upgrades
  • Middle School auditorium renovations
  • Building structural needs
  • Public address and clock systems
  • Gymnasium partitions
  • Asbestos abatement
  • Window replacement
  • Accessibility for those with special needs
  • Paving
  • Instructional Technology infrastructure