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The following building safety procedures are in place at each school building to ensure that your child is in a safe and secure learning environment:
  1. All visitors must report to the main office.

  2. All visitors must have permission from the principal, coordinating teacher or secretary to proceed to any other area.

  3. Visitors and volunteers are expected to sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge.

  4. Visitors and volunteers must sign-out and return the badge upon leaving.

  5. The building principal must approve all volunteers. Volunteers must complete a volunteer application. Applications are available in the office.

  6. All doors will be locked except the main door. All of the doors have crash bars and can be exited, even if they are locked from the outside.

  7. All students arriving or leaving the school building with a parent, must be signed in/out at the main office. School secretaries will call the student to the office.